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Sea Wall

Installation and Film

Sea Wall (2024) is a participative installation created by Jane Scobie. Audience members build a sea wall from loaf tins and watch the tide come in,  Sea Wall the film (2024) by Jane Scobie and NeoMeta was made at Holme Beach in Norfolk and shown at Meta Nature Exhibition at BOTH Gallery in London.


​Sea Wall

the sea in sediment sub cell 3A

swelling, rushing, fizzling  out

carrying sand, depositing sediment

remodelling, reworking

forming a new ness

squeezing an embryo dune


crushing flailing poles

smashing corsets of concrete

engulfing rock armour

leaving a strandline


follow the filter feeders, seals and terns

embrace the mobile dunes


align our energies


catch the ear of the sea

Sea Wall  Film Jane Scobie and Neometa (2024) Installation at Meta Nature  BOTH Gallery, L
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